Friday, October 31, 2008

Republican Video Tops Entertainment Search

So it would appear that the Republican party are gluttons for punishment. Am I using that gluttons word properly there?

Anyway, they can't seem to get enough of making the wrong decisions. After Sarah Palin's disastrous pr decision to appear on SNL, it looks like John McCain is about to do the same thing. Rumour has it, the presidential hopeful is going to appear on Saturday Night Live.

I can't help but start to think that the Republicans have given up on the possibility of winning. It really seems as though they don't learn from past mistakes. When you are a public figure, and you choose to appear on SNL, you have to be prepared to be mocked. It is going to be a satirical look at your life. If you are already established and loved by the public, such as athletes and other entertainers, the sketches are seen as fun and self deprecating. If you are trying to win the support of a nation to be leader of the free world for the next four years, SNL is not a great place to start.

After Palin made her appearance, polls showed support for the Republican party to be slipping. More and more the people feel less confident in her ability to lead and it is becoming more obvious that she is not prepared. It is turning into a joke and it's a joke on McCain.

I really don't know what he is thinking but appearing on the show at this stage in the game will not make him appear to be a better choice than Obama. It is just one more step in a series of bad decisions made by that party during this campaign.

One thing is for sure, it will make for some entertaining highlights. It will be great when McCain looks back on the episode when it is rerun for the hundredth time and he thinks, "Wow! I must have been out of my mind!" Now that's comedy.

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