Sunday, November 2, 2008

Famous Actresses Feet

The feet of an actress are the windows to the soul, or was it the eyes. Regardless of whether you are looking at a famous actresses feet or her eyes she was likely doing the same thing. That is what many famous actresses got started doing. They were modeling.

It has been recently brought to my attention that several celebrities that we know of today got their start as a pair of famous actress feet. That is not to say they were famous actress feet when we saw them, they were struggling actress feet at that time. I wouldn't say it is strange. It is rather interesting to think that perhaps somebody looked at the feet of a famous actress that we know today and thought "Hey, she is going to be a star!"

Actresses feet and hands

It would turn out that many actresses today got started as models but not in the conventional sense. Many actresses were parts models. That is, they would model their hands or feet or back or legs. Whatever was necessary for the advertisement. It is very interesting how they gain their experience. In a way it is quite humorous to think that the experience that leads to big television and movie roles, came from just showing hands or feet.

It must be crazy frustrating trying to get noticed initially as something more than a body part when that's all that is being requested of you. Imagine Meryl Streep, possibly one of the best actresses of the modern era trying to get discovered and not being listened to because at the time she might have very nice arches.

Famous actress feet walk on big screen

The audition process for anybody is grueling. The actor learns that there is tremendous rejection involved in their chosen profession. Going to hundreds of auditions is not unheard of before catching a break. It would be interesting to know if while going in to shoot a razor or shoe commercial, how many actresses were asked to read something and then it all grew from there.

Andie McDowel was and still is a beautiful model. She has long curly brown hair with fair skin, soft features and she is long through the body. She did well as a model and continues to be asked to do commercial work today. She then goes on to get into action. Imagine, how different Four Weddings and a Funeral would have been without her? I don't think of her as a great actress per se, but she was great in that.

It is good to know that some producers can stop looking at a famous actresses feet long enough to realize they might actually be in a room with an incredibly talented person.

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