Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Three Stooges Movie Coming To Theatres

Stop the presses! What could be bigger news one the eve of the United States electing a new leader of the free world? The Three Stooges will be coming to theatres soon, of course. What else could it be?!!

Perhaps one of the biggest and most popular classic comedy staples of all time, the Three Stooges are about to make their way back into the hearts and minds of the world at large. It turns out that the Farrelly brothers have been chosen to direct the project from a script that they have written. Who would have imagined that the Farrelly brothers would have been chosen to direct a Three Stooges movie. This is a match made in heaven. The comedic directors of physical defective mayhem get thrown into the pot with the most notorious slapstick trio of all time.

The Three Stooges just may be the most popular comedy team ever. It is hard to believe. Any fan would probably agree. You would be hard pressed to walk the streets of the free world and find somebody who didn't know who the Three Stooges were. They have been referenced in more film and television projects over the years that anybody or anything I can think of. That is saying quite a bit considering the types of comedy teams that have entertained us over the years such as Abbott and Costello, Laurel and Hardy, Lewis and Martin and Nichols and May.

The Three Stooges were a favorite of Sam on Cheers and referenced in countless episodes. Cheers was possibly one of the most successful television comedies ever. Sargent Riggs didn't miss an opportunity in each Lethal Weapon movie to pay homage to the Three Stooges and those movies seemed to have done alright if I remember correctly.

Currently MGM is negotiating with Warner Brothers for the rights. Hopefully it won't take too long. It would be a shame if The Three Stooges are delayed coming to the masses due to some bureaucracy but it would be appropriate if the cantankerous trio had to fight their way onto the big screen. To be honest, I was never the biggest fan of the Stooges. They did however, make me laugh and we can't get enough of that.

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